
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Saturday 1 August 2009

To any Christian who might want to become a teacher

Last week was my first sharing session at sparklight. A few days later, God dropped me a message through swordlight regarding teaching. God's timing is so zun! (timely)

In James 3:1-2, he said that not many should presume to be teachers. Why is that so?

To teach is not to have the freedom to say whatever you want or to enjoy your influence over others. Being a teacher has a price to it. It is precisely because their words have the capacity to have so much influence over others that teachers are more strictly judged by God (Luke 12:48, Hebrews 13:17).

3 specific reasons why not many should be teachers:

1. Teachers have greater accountability. They are supposed to have more knowledge & hence, they would have greater responsibility & accountability.

2. James said that we all stumble in many ways. When that happens, it would cause others to stumble in their relationship with God. A teacher needs to be watchful over their personal life.

3. It is difficult to bridle one's tongue, including the teacher. A controlled tongue is a good reflection of a controlled life & character of a person. However, people do lose control of it every now & then.

In conclusion, it is because of the fact that teachers have great potential & power to influence others, only people with proper motivation should consider to teach.

This might sound weird: I want to thank God for this warning~* d(^0^)b


Anonymous said...

I think you just made Lionel very very stressed... LOL

Fiona Zeng said...

Lolz~* I never thought about that. Haha!! =P

Fiona Zeng said...
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Lionel Low said...

wahaha... thanks for sharing Fiona. That is important to know. :)