
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

20090807 Karaoke-cum-Buffet!

I think blogger is screwed up again and refuses to have that normal text editing bar which allows me to upload photos. :S

Shall post up some photos from our outing when it is up again.

In the meanwhile, do check out the photos that I had taken that night. Enjoy! :)


Fiona Zeng said...

Thank you Lionel for uploading the photos.

Looking forward to your new posts.

Meanwhile, do update us the progress of your shoulders ohh..

God bless! (^o^)

Lionel Low said...

It's my pleasure. :D Ya come to think about it I should probably write a post about my shoulders. loL~ I do think I need to get back into the momentum of writing. loL~

God bless you too sis! And also hope that the tennis today will go on fine. :D

Fiona Zeng said...

Post on your shoulders, why not? =)

3 hours for that widget.. mmhz.. i wonder what you add to the html.. must go check out the source..

Anonymous said...

YOYO... How you upload photos to blog?? I got a couple from the first tennis match! Fiona took alot alot alot piccies!! LOL..

Fiona Zeng said...

Hi Adriel,

You can upload the picture by clicking on the button right next to the ABC icon. It is a button with a picture. A new window will pop out and you click on browse. Find your picture that you want to upload and click on upload image. Hope this helps.

Haha.. I'm attempting to take motion pictures using your camera.


Lionel Low said...

Can you guys actually upload? Till now the interface for mine is still screwed! I don't see any options that I can upload photos! :(

Fiona Zeng said...

I don't have problem with uploading pictures. Maybe blogger is taking a break.

Yay Lionel! You managed to upload the pictures.

Lionel Low said...

Haha.. after you say can I go try still cannot. Then I refresh then can already. Mega weird. loL~ Previously I tried to refresh 1000 times also no use. hahaha.. Fiona your words carry magic. :P

Fiona Zeng said...



Looking forward to more pictures! *hint hint* =P