
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

05 Aug 09: Memory Verse

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
~ Contributor: Lionel


Fiona Zeng said...

This is a powerful verse that has been implanted into my head. Whenever I feel exhausted and did not have the strength to work, I will remind myself of this and pray to God for strength. Thumbs up for this verse!

Lionel Low said...

Ye and amen! :) Me too me too. :D

Anonymous said...

Yes... Need EVERY strength I can have!

Fiona Zeng said...

It is easy to misinterpret this verse.

"All things" here refers to things that glorify God. Eg. Rape and murder are not included. Paul's all things include: every spiritual blessing, things which accompany salvation, things which are above and all things pertaining to godliness.

We cannot say, "I can do all things through Christ" when it comes to earthly goals - we can only say, "if the lord wills we will do this or that" (James 4:13-15).

Lionel Low said...

The last part is insightful. lol~ I would have thought it would include earthly goals as well because we still need God's strength to do them, and when it's God's strength, it is still His glory.

I guess the most important part of this verse is reliance on God. The second important part is whether or not will we be reflecting our faith in His strength. If a person chants this verse all the time but shows poor attitude towards others at work, that will really damage the name of God.