
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Jesus is alive and He rocks!

Greetings brothers and sisters,

This is my first posting in this blog.

I came across these ideas as I was preparing teaching materials for the sparklighters. Hope you guys like it.


The original was a picture of my friends and I throwing our square caps in our academic dress. I removed the caps and add in the words and angel.

Bonk!!! Victory. Yay! v(^_^)v

When Satan slithers secretly, scram!


flashmech said...

haha.. that's cute! :D

Sounds interesting that you actually have to come up with the materials to teach yourself. I always thought they got sparklight textbooks or something. haha..

Fiona Zeng said...

Yes. We do have a curriculum to follow. At times, I will use additional materials that are related to the lessons =)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.. Thats uber cute! LOL. Did you draw them yourself??

flashmech said...

Wa Fiona I didn't know you know how to use Photoshop! :D You are full of hidden talents huh! ;)

Fiona Zeng said...

@Adriel: Ai yai yai!! I didn't draw them (>o<)!

@Lionel: Thanks~* Everyone has a few talents. Just happen that I can use it here. I learn photoshop since secondary school as I was in the media & IT/AVA club. Hope my skills can be used in this blog.

God bless!