
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Sunday, 4 November 2007

I'm Back!

Hi all! I came back from Japan since Friday, but because I've not been feeling well (still down with flu and cough at the moment), that's why the delay till now to update everyone.

Just want to thank you all for praying for my journey. It was actually very fortunate because we missed the typhoon that hit Tokyo by just one day apart. Apart from my health, everything went really great, and so would want to thank God for His blessings. :)

Side track a little, I've added a "Recent Posts" links section at the right column. It acts exactly like "Recent Comments", except that it filters out regular posts, e.g. ODB, prayer items. For those you can still access them through the "Labels" section at the bottom right column.

Was thinking this should be good addition to the blog, to keep what everyone wants to share on top of regular posts. ;)

Really looking forward to seeing everyone! Take care in the mean while guys. Important period now for those taking exams and must take extra care not to fall sick! Let's keep each other in prayer. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back bro,

Glad that everything went well, haha! Went to Japan! Wow, cool! Must go there someday, haha. Yup take care bro. God Bless! BTW do refer to the dates I've put up with regards which dates for cell. Yup!

Signing out,