
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Monday, 15 October 2007


Very short post. haha... I passed the audition and will be starting my probation at Praislight! YAY~~~

Want to thank God that I did not screw up, that my voice did not give up on me (no out -of-tune situations) and that my memory also did not give up on me (I remembered the lyrics!). :D

Been really happy about it considering that I did not have much time to prepare, as on Saturday I was working the whole day literally. Tsk tsk tsk... Want to thank God for His faithfulness because everything still fell into place at the end of the day. :D

Harry! I'm coming! :P


Harry said...

Wow!!! Congrats Lionel :)
Welcome to the (Praislight) family... haha
It has been our prayer for us to grow in number, and i'm glad ur one of those who heard the call! Yahoo...
I'm sure you will enjoy being in this ministry, as we all do! Bro, see you in praislight practice on saturday. Sing out!
God bless! :)

Anonymous said...


We have a cell that sings man! Hahah, Hey? You know what I'm thinking?? CAROLLING! MUHAHAHOHOHOH
FA LA LA LA FA LA LA... =) Ok, I'm crazy. Must be the circuits. Anyway, congrats dear Bro. Sing out to The Lord!

Here is a psalm for ya!

"Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise His holy name. For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favour lasts a lifetime;" Psalm 30:4

Harry said...

Carolling sounds an exciting activity huh. :) Must be a good bonding spree for the cell group! hahaha
Anyway, Adriel must have had enough dose of his Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's law, Norton's, Thevenin's, and all those circuits laws to have thought about carolling.haha
Just take it easy bro! God bless you in ur exams.

Lionel Low said...

@Harry, @Adriel

Thanks!!! :D

I'm not too sure if I can actually make it to the practice this Saturday though. Still swamped with work. :(

I once joined carolling at my former church before I came over to LE, that was in 2004. Lots of things to practice, highs and lows, same tone, same pronunciations, same drag, stuff. haha.. Unfortunately I could not make it for the final performance because I was enlisted. haha.. stupid army. :P

Anyway, would be great if we try to do it as a cell. Gotta find time to practice though, and sing during Christmas! Seems like perfect timing too. :D

Anonymous said...

Your previous church sure have a rather high expectation on carolling. Haha, well, I guess if we are ministering to the common people, its not so much about how well we sing, but our hearts for the spirit of christmas! Grinz. Like they always say, "Jus Whack la.."

Anyway, yeah. Thevenin's, Norton's.. they are driving me nuts. Now working in A/C circuit environment, its even worst. *puke* Thats only the tip of the iceberg! There's still electronics!!!!! AHHHHH

Digitalised Adriel

Lionel Low said...


Oh no la... haha.. it's cos that time was preparing to sing in public one, that's why the expectation lor. I'm not too sure how everything went after that though. :P

All those circuits and stuff sound totally alien to me btw. haha...

Harry said...

haha still talking about carolling ha.. seems like we already hav a christmas project for the cell! hehe
guys, we better open up this topic to min shiung so we could make plans ahead.. :)
i miss those days in the Phils wen I would do carolling with my choirmates also..hehe

Yeah there's more to come so better master the basics in prep for the major ones! Waahh.. the exciting and challenging world of Engineering..haha I remember my prof once told us this, "if you find it difficult to fathom some of these principles, be thankful! It just shows u're still human!"haha

Do u have the list of songs we'll sing for this week? If u don't, message me and I'll send it you. If u have ym account i'll file-share with u the songs as well.. The songs for this week are quite cool man! hehe just to excite you.. :)