
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Remember remember, the dates in November...

Dear beloved cell,

Guess everybody's been really really busy, considering the blog going ghostly quiet for a few days now. But hey! God's flame still burns eh! Well, just wanna post a short notice on the dates in November which we would have cell, they are:

1st November - Adriel's place
15th November - Pris's place
29th November - Adriel's place

It'll be weeks 1,3 and 5. Do note it down in your calender and diaries! Yup. The 29th Nov meeting will be a prayer and worship session where those who are not affected by exams or are free, could come and just feast with the Holy Spirit, and continue to keep those who can't come in prayer!

Oh ya, attach here is a copy of my exams timetable. The rest of you guys whom are also having exams, do post your time-table up for the cell to pray as 1 united body for God's strength and wisdom.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms - 16th Nov (2.30pm - 4pm)
2. Circuit Analysis - 21st Nov (1pm - 3pm)
3. French Level 2 - 21st Nov (5pm - 7.30pm)
4. Digital Electronics - 23rd Nov (2.30pm - 4.30pm)
5. Business Finance - 26th Nov (5pm - 7pm)
6. Engineering Maths 1 - 27th Nov (9am - 11.30am)

Yup! Thats all for me folks! God bless all of you and don't let your flame snuff out during the week!


Thursday, 25 October 2007

Going Overseas

Hey fellow brothers and sisters,

Hope all is fine with you guys! Haven't seen everyone for a month plus already! How time flies. Sorry for the lack of posts on ODB for the past few days, many things cropped up and still too many yet to be done, that's why lor. Did anyone noticed? haha... well no one complained for sure. :P

Anyway, to inform you guys, I'll be going overseas, with the flight at 8:30am. Not sleeping tonight cos well, pack the bag also ended up so late, and like I said, still many things to get done la. haha...

Side track a little, Adriel can you kindly help me to get an extra copy of this coming Sunday's Lighter's Link? Cos I won't be back till the following Thursday, so I really don't want to miss anything out. I'll grab it from you on our next cell meeting. :) (Pris please be so kind to nag him k? :P)

I really look forward to seeing everyone again~! Really miss our fellowship with God.

In the interim, I want to pray for everyone's safety, health, studies and work. May God bless us all, and let us find our strength in Him when we are weak! :D

Sunday, 21 October 2007

21 Oct 07: LE Prayer Items

  1. Miracle Service
    Spiritual TNT
    Prayer Guide
    • Prayer #19 - Deliverance
    • Prayer #20 - Breakthrough
    • Warfare: Binding & Loosing
      • Bind
      • Loose

  2. Myanmar's Political Stability
    • God's grace, mercy and comfort upon Myanmar
    • Wisdom and insights upon mediating parties
    • Quick resolution to this political unrest
    • Christians will be divinely preserved

Monday, 15 October 2007


Very short post. haha... I passed the audition and will be starting my probation at Praislight! YAY~~~

Want to thank God that I did not screw up, that my voice did not give up on me (no out -of-tune situations) and that my memory also did not give up on me (I remembered the lyrics!). :D

Been really happy about it considering that I did not have much time to prepare, as on Saturday I was working the whole day literally. Tsk tsk tsk... Want to thank God for His faithfulness because everything still fell into place at the end of the day. :D

Harry! I'm coming! :P

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Cell Group Sharing - 11 Oct 2007

Dear faithlove cell,

Decided to upload a short summary of what had been shared and discussed on our group meeting on Thurs 11 Oct 07 for the benefit of those unable to make it and oso for our global friends. =) Do hope these would help you guys in keeping up with the future bible studies.

Topic shared: Sexual Immorality
Bible reference: 1 Corinthians 6:11-20
Shared By: Bro Min Shiung

  • Verse 9-12- There is no difference in the magnitude of sin, but the one and only judgement of sin is death. Being a liar makes you no difference from an adulterer or a murderer. We should know that sinners do NOT inherit the Kingdom of God.
  • Jesus came not for His rights, but for His wrongs. He bore our sins, so that He became the wrong and the sinner, such that all of us could escape that eternal judgement of death in Hell.
  • Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. We can always find excuses for sin, but that would only lead us further away from our source above.
  • Food for the stomach, and stomach for food - We live to eat, eat to live.
  • Extremeties in both ends are not good. Gluttony defiles the body, just as sexual immorality defiles the body.
  • Food represents the things of the world, and stomach represents our physical body. We use food to satisfy our bodies. The methods that we use in achieving worldly desires often ends up in sin. God will one day come and admonish both the world and its desires including all our phyical body. (2nd coming)
  • Verse 15-17 - Whoever unites himself with a prostitute defiles his body that is one in Christ Jesus. Having sexual relations with a partner not ordained by God as your spouse leads to sexual immorality and sin.
  • We therefore cannot be in sin and together in the Lord as one. It is either sin and death or life and Jesus as a choice. Both are mutually exclusive.

Questions to ponder:

  • What will your response be when sexual desires comes to you. God place sexual desires in men for the pleasure of procreation, however, we need to be IN control of it, rather than UNDER control by it.
  • What is the line drawn against lust and sexual immorality? -When your thoughts translates into physical actions, that becomes sexual immorality.

We must repent when we sin, needless to say, and God will be faithful to us and forgive us of all unrighteousness. No man is perfect. Even a giant of faith like King David fall prey to sexual immoralities with Basheeba, thus we too have to be watchful over our life.

Scriptural memory verse:

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and pleasing to God - this is true worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12: 1-2

Sunday, 7 October 2007

7 Oct 07: LE Prayer Items

  1. Miracle Service
    Spiritual TNT
    Prayer Guide
    • Prayer #15 - The Devil's Evils Exposed
    • Prayer #16 - Supernatural Visitations
    • Warfare: Binding & Loosing
      • Bind
      • Loose
        True Worship
        Allegiance to Christ

  2. Students Taking Examinations
    • God's favor and guidance
    • Students to be diligent
    • Clarity of mind and good memory
    • Divine health and strength

How Great is Our God!

Brothers and Sisters,

How has the week been for you? Some of you guys might be facing certain struggles, some you might be feeling weary. But whatever it is, the purpose of this blog is an avenue to encourage you guys. I chanced upon this video that really touched my heart deeply, and I sincerely want to share this with you guys. Our God is mighty to save and greatly to be praised! Take Heart people! Persevere on! Enjoy.

God Bless