
  • What: Introduction To James
  • When: 27 July 2011, Wednesday, 8-10:30pm
  • Where: Adriel's House

Monday, 4 October 2010

20101013 Cell Outing To Play Nation

[UPDATE 2: Due to unforeseen circumstances, that quite a number of our cell members being unable to make it, this outing has been postponed to the following week instead. Date and timing updated in post.]

[UPDATE 1: I'll be bringing the Prayer Booster textbook and workbook, so do let me know if you are coming. If you have not yet paid for them, do try to bring exactly $9 for me as well. Thanks.]

Dear BASICs,

We are going to have our cell fellowship outing this coming Wednesday, 06 13 October 2010, 7pm.

The venue is at Play Nation, 64 Prinsep Street.

Those interested to meet, we can meet at Douby Ghaut MRT Station at 645pm.

Else, I'll see y'all there! :D

God bless!