As 2008 approaches, let us take some time to reflect on how the Lord has brought us through 2007.
Below is the summary for the cell sharing on 27 Dec 2007, kindly uploaded for those of you guys who could not make it down. Cheers ^_^.
- The birth of the Cell - July 2006
- Started off with 7 people.
- Current to date active attendance - 10
- God has indeed blessed the cell spiritually and physically.
- Although our numbers are still small comparatively, but we look forward to an exciting year of harvest ahead!
Setting out the Path
- Closely looking back, we can see God's fingerprints on our every walk of life.
- There is always something to give thanks to God for, and something that God wants us to learn from.
- They are "sign-posts" placed in our christian walk to point us towards His direction.
- It is God's desire that we grow in wisdom and to walk closely with Him with every passing year.
- God's wisdom comes from the lessons that He places in our walk, in which we learn and grow. Many times, through hard lessons that we emerge victorious and closer to Him.
Bible Reference: 1 Timothy 4:11-16
- Do not let anyone despise your youth.
- Focus on reading the scriptures.
- Encouraging believers.
- Do not neglect the spiritual gifts God has endowed upon us.
- Be accountable to one another.
- Stay true and faithful to God.
God will bless the wise and righteous. (Proverbs 9:11) Give glory to God in all that we do, in our every achievements, be it big or small. Honour Him and He will honour us. (Isaiah 42:8-9)
- How do we walk closer to God? How do we be accountable to our fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ? How do we ensure that we are not idling in the harvesting fields of God's kingdom?
- We must set out God-centered resolutions.
- Factoring in God into our resolution-making process, so that He might grant us the wisdom and strength to accomplish His will for us.
- Resolutions to God need to be Serious, like a solemn declaration.
Bible Reference: Nehemiah 10:29
- God is not only a God of grace and mercy, but also a God of justice and Holy anger.
- We need to appreciate God's wrath in order to fully appreciate His loving Grace.
- We need to keep our covenant with Him to the best of our abilities.
Setting of Resolutions
- The right amount.
- Realistic and achievable
- Don't slack and set a simple resolution just to get away with your conscience. It is between you and God and no one else!!
Pray through your resolutions before penning them down and ask God for the strength and perservance to run the long race ahead of us.
In our last few moments of reflection as 2007 draws to a close, let us not just get by another year, but build ourselves up to the next level by gearing ourselves with determination to achieve what we have set out to do. I pray that in our reflections, we might learn and grow, and in turn become reflections for Christ.
God Bless all~ In Faith With Love